Ablutophobia:Fear of washing or bathing
Acarophobia:Fear of itching or of the insects that cause
Acerophobia:Fear of sourness
Achluophobia:Fear of darkness
Acousticophobia:Fear of noise
Acrophobia:Fear of heights
Aerophobia:Fear of drafts,air swallowing,or airborne noxious
Aeroacrophobia:Fear of open high places
Aeronausiphobia:Fear of vomiting secondary to airsickness
Agateophobia:Fear of insanity
Agliophobia:Fear of pain
Agoraphobia:Fear of open spaces or of being in
crowded,public places like markets.Fear of leaving a safe place
Apeirophobia:Fear of infinity
Arithmophobia:Fear of numbers
Arsonphobia:Fear of fire
Astrophobia:Fear of stars or celestial space
Atychiphobia:Fear of failure
Aulophobia:Fear of flutes
Aurophobia:Fear of gold
Autodysomophobia:Fear of one that has a vile odor
Autophobia:Fear of being alone or of oneself
Aviophobia or Aviatophobia-Fear of flying
Bacteriophobia:Fear of bacteria
Ballistophobia:Fear of missiles or bullets
Bolshephobia:Fear of Bolsheviks
Barophobia:Fear of gravity
Basophobia or Basiphobia:Inability to stand.Fear of walking
or falling
Bathmophobia:Fear of stairs or steep slopes
Bathophobia:Fear of depth
Batophobia:Fear of heights or being close to high buildings
Batrachophobia:Fear of amphibians,such as
Belonephobia:Fear of pins and needles(Aichmophobia)
Bibliophobia:Fear of books
Bogyphobia:Fear of bogeys or the bogeyman
Botanophobia:Fear of plants
Cacophobia:Fear of ugliness
Caligynephobia:Fear of beautiful women
Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia:Fear of cancer
Catagelophobia:Fear of being ridiculed
Catapedaphobia:Fear of jumping from high and low places
Cathisophobia:Fear of sitting
Catoptrophobia:Fear of mirrors
Cenophobia or Centophobia:Fear of new things or ideas
Chirophobia:Fear of hands
Chiroptophobia:Fear of bats
Chorophobia:Fear of dancing
Cibophobia:Fear of food.(Stiophobia,Sitiophobia)
Claustrophobia:Fear of confined spaces
Cleptophobia:Fear of stealing
Coimetrophobia:Fear of cemeteries
Cryophobia:Fear of extreme cold,ice or frost
Cyclophobia:Fear of bicycles
Dementophobia:Fear of insanity
Demophobia:Fear of crowds(Agoraphobia)
Dendrophobia:Fear of trees
Dentophobia:Fear of dentists
Dermatophobia:Fear of skin lesions
Dextrophobia:Fear of objects at the right side of the body
Doraphobia:Fear of fur or skins of animals
Doxophobia:Fear of expressing opinions or of receiving
Dromophobia:Fear of crossing streets
Eisoptrophobia:Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a
Elurophobia:Fear of cats(Ailurophobia)
Entomophobia:fear of insects
Eosophobia:Fear of dawn or daylight
Epistemophobia:Fear of knowledge
Gerontophobia:Fear of old people or of growing old
Gynephobia or Gynophobia:Fear of women
Harpaxophobia:Fear of being robbed
Hedonophobia:Fear of feeling pleasure
Heliophobia:Fear of the sun
Hemophobia or Hemaphobia or Hematophobia:Fear of blood
Homichlophobia:Fear of fog
Ichthyophobia:Fear of fish
Iophobia:Fear of poison
Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia:Fear of movement or motion
Leprophobia or Lepraphobia:Fear of leprosy
Leukophobia:Fear of the color white
Linonophobia:Fear of string
Lygophobia:Fear of darkness
Meterophobia:Fear of meteors
Methyphobia:Fear of alcohol
Mycophobia:Fear or aversion to mushrooms
Mythophobia:Fear of myths or stories or false statements
Myxophobia:Fear of slime.(Blennophobia)
Nebulaphobia:Fear of fog.(Homichlophobia)
Neophobia:Fear of anything new
Nephophobia:Fear of clouds
Noctiphobia:Fear of the night
Nomatophobia:Fear of names
Nyctophobia:Fear of the dark or of night
Obesophobia:Fear of gaining weight(Procrescophobia)
Ochlophobia:Fear of crowds or mobs
Ochophobia:Fear of vehicles
Octophobia:Fear of the figure 8
Oikophobia:Fear of home
Optophobia:Fear of opening one’s eyes
Omithophobia:Fear of birds
Orthophobia:Fear of property
Ostraconophobia:Fear of property
Ostraconophobia:Fear of shellfish
Pagophobia:Fear of ice or frost
Paraphobia:Fear of sexual perversion
Parasitophobia:Fear of parasites
Pediculophobia:Fear of lice
Pediophobia:Fear of dolls
Pedophobia:Fear of children
Pellagrophobia:Fear of pellagra
Peniaphobia:Fear of poverty
Phagophobia:Fear of swallowing or of eating or of being
Phalacrophobia:Fear of becoming bald
Phallophobia:Fear of a penis,esp erect
Pharmacophobia:Fear of taking medicine
Phasmophobia:Fear of ghosts
Philosophobia:Fear of philosophy
Phobophobia:Fear of phobias
Photophobia:Fear of light
Pluviophobia:Fear of rain or of being rained on
Poliosophobia:Fear of contracting poliomyelitis
Polyphobia:Fear of many things
Psychophobia:Fear of mind
Psychrophobia:Fear of cold
Pupaphobia:Fear of puppets
Pyrophobia:Fear of fire
Russophobia:Fear of Russians
Satanophobia:Fear of Satan
Scotophobia:Fear of darkness(Achluophobia)
Seplophobia:Fear of decaying matter
Sesquipedalophobia:Fear of long words
Siderophobia:Fear of stars
Sinistrophobia:Fear of things to the left or left handed
Sinophobia:Fear of Chinese,Chinese culture
Sitophobia or Sitiophobia:Fear of food or eating(Cibophobia)
Snakephobia:Fear of snakes(Ophidiophobia)
Soceraphobia:Fear of parents-in-law
Somniphobia:Fear of sleep
Sophophobia:Fear of learning
Spectrophobia:Fear of specters or ghosts
Staurophobia:Fear of crosses or the crucifix
Tachophobia:Fear of speed
Taurophobia:Fear of bulls
Technophobia:Fear of technology
Testophobia:Fear of taking tests
Textophobia:Fear of certain fabrics
Thaasophobia:Fear of sitting
Thalassophobia:Fear of the sea
Thanatophobia or Thantophobia:Fear of death or dying
Tonitrophobia:Fear of thunder
Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia:Fear of poison or
of being accidentally poisoned
Triskaidekaphobia:Fear of the number 13
Tyrannophobia:Fear of tyrants
Verbophobia:Fear of words
Vestiophobia:Fear of clothing
Xanthophobia:Fear of the colour yellow or the word yellow
Xenophobia:Fear of strangers or foreigners
Xerophobia:Fear of dryness
Xyrophobia:Fear of razors
Zelophobia:Fear of jealousy
Zeusophobia:Fear of God or gods
Big people have big dreams and small people have small dreams.If you want to change who you are,begin by changing the size of your dreams.-Robert Kiyosaki.
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