
19 October 2013


EXAM DATE:12-11-2013

Geography of India-Physical Features-Climate –soils-Rivers-Famous Sites-Etc
Demography-Economic and Social Developmental –Poverty Alleviation-Ecnomy and Planning-Etc
History of India-Period from 1857 to 1947-National Movement Etc

Geographical Facts-Physical Features-Climate-Soils-Rivers-Famous Sites-Etc
Renaissance of kerala
Important Events/Movements/Leaders
Brahmanandra Swami Sivayogi,Chattambi Swami,Sree Narayana Guru,Vagbhatananda,Thycaud Ayya,Ayya Vaikundar,Poikayil Yohannan(Kumara Guru),Ayyankali,Pandit Karuppan,Mannathu Padmanabhan,V.T.Bhattathirippad,Dr.Palpu,Kumaranasan,Vakkom Moulavi,Blessed Kutiakose Elias Chavara,Etc

1.Extension education and community development
Extension education,definition,meaning,principles,Elements of teachinglearning process principles of teaching learning process,community development programmes-meaning principles and philosophy,Panchayath Raj administration,voluntary organizations in rural  development,poverty alleviation and employment generation programmes,National and state schemes for increasing food production programmes.Audio visual Aids-Place and role of audio visual aids,classification of audio visual aids

2.Programme development and population education
Programme development –meaning ,scope and principles ,programme development cycle and its components.felt need and unfelt needs Plan of work,Programme implementation.Infrastructure-involving local infrastructure with specific reference to organizations and leaders.Evaluation –meaning and purpose ,indicators of development.Population education-nature scope and importance,sources of population and development education,adolescent health,reproductive health care,gender and development Family life and responisible parenthood,quality of life,social issues-alcholism,suicide etc.

3.Nutrition through life cycle
Food groups and recommended allowances,nutrition in pregnancy and lactation,infancy,preschool,school age,and adolescence Assessment of the nutritional status of the different age groups in the community.Deficiency diseases –their causes and prevention .Protein energy malnutrition,mineral deficiencies,vitamin deficiencies and hyper vitaminosis

4.Community nutrition
Nutrition and national development ,prevalence of mal nutrition in India,strategies to overcome mal nutrition,nutrition intervention programmes, role of national and international  organization to combat malnutrition,nutrition education,food production,food adulteration,food toxins,control of food losses,supplementary foods,use of novel proteins,processing of different infant weaning food,food fortification

5.Child Development
Fundamentals of growth and development ,prenatal development,child birth material and infant mortality,early stimulation,physical,motor,language,emotional,social,moral and intellectual development from Infancy to early childhood .Common childhood aliments,Immunization organizations and programmes for child welfare in India,the rights of children

6.Pre School education
Tpes of preschool values of nursery school education,aims and objectives of nursery school.The requisites of an ideal nursery school ,physical set up ,the personnel ,the administration ,the equipments in a nursery school.Method of teaching prescholars,curriculum for all round development of pre school children types of plays,stories ,puppers shows,development of Routine skills and habit,sensory traning,concept formations.The formatl’Rs’and readiness for school ,simple ideas of health and hygiene PTA,its importance

7.Research methodology
Meaning of research ,types of research,problem identification,source of problem ,research design,review of literature/primary and secondary data,hypothesis,variable,selecting the research approach,techniques and tools ,identifying the population and selecting the sample ,pilot study.Administration of the tool and data collection,organization,analysis and interpretation of data.Preparation of research report.

1.Social Work and Related Concepts –Definitions:
Social Work,Social service,Social Reform,Social Welfare,Social Policy,Social Action,Social Legislation,Social Defence and Social Education.Identification of Social Work as a Profession,Values&principles of Social Work,Methods and functions of Social work,Major contributions in the field of social work-books,authors and concepts
System approach to Social Work Practice;Role of Social work in the Remedial,Preventive and Developmental Models.

2.Methods of social work practice
Social Work process-generalist social work practice social case work:definition,priniciples,process,models Community organization:definition,priniciples,process,models Social work research:scope ,designs-experimental-programme evaluation-qualitative v/s quantitative,descriptive statistics Social Welfare administration:definition,elements of administration Social Action:definition,scope,examples

3.Human Behavior
Human Behaviour ,Huma Motivation and Problems of Human Behaviour and Coping Mechanisms.Human Growth and Development in the Lifespan of Individual .Learning,Socialisation and Theories of Personality

4.Social Policy
Concept and Scope,Distinction between Social and Economic Policies,Place of Ideology and Values.Evaluation of Social Policy in India;Review of Major Policies and Programs,viz,Education,Health,Shelter,Environment,Social Security,Employment,Family,Child,Women and Youth Welfare,Welfare of the Weaker Sections,Elderily and Disabled.

1.Introduction to Sociological thought
August Comte-Law of three stages,Positivism
Herbert Spencer-Theory of evolution,Organic analogy
Karl Marx-Theory of class struggle,Economic determinism

2.Sociological concepts
Social stratification-definition ,meaning ,caste and class
Socialization-agents of socialization –family ,peer group ,school ,mass media etc.
Social control-defintion and meaning,formal and informal social control

3.Social system:Family-Definition,types of family functions of family in traditional times-changing functions
Concept of marriage definition,types of marriage in traditional times,functions

4.Social problems
Poverty-Meaning ,poverty in underdeveloped and developing countries
Dowry-Meaning and definition,probles related to dowry in Indian society
Terrorism-meaning,effect of terrorism in Indian society

5.Status of women in India
Women in working force-in organized and unorganized sector,economic and political empowerment,programmes of Indian government for the development of women

1.Introduction to Psychology
Psychology ,Psychology as a science ,methods of physiology,psychological perspectives,sensory processes,perception-attention,perceiving distance,perceiving depth,perceptual organization,perceptual constancies,illusion.Memory-theories,sensory memory,working memory,long term memory,short term memory,improving memory.
Thinking-process ,concepts,problem solving,decision making,creative thinking.Intelligence-concept,nature and nurture controversy,theories,measurement.

2.Biological basis of behavior
Neurons,parts of neurons,nerve impulses-synapse,neurotransmitters,neural networks,cerebral hemispheres,hemispheric specialization,lobes,fore brain,mid brain ,endocrine system,hormones and behavior,handedness,limbic system-hippocampus,amygdale.Evolution,Genes and Behaviour.

3.Motivation ,Emotion and stress
Motivation-concept biological basis of motivation,theories of motivation,biological and psychosocial motives.Emotion-concepts ,biological basis of emotion,theories of emotion,types of emotion.Stress –Characteristics,psychological reaction to stress,physiological reaction to stress,psychological factors and stress response ,copying skills,and managing stress.

4.Developmental psychology
The life span perspective,Methods of studying development,prenatal and perinatal development,Theories of human development:Freud-psychosexual development,Theories of human development:Freud-psychosexual development,Erickson-psychosocial development,learning theory-Pavlov,skinner,Bandura,Piaget,Bronfenbrenner.Piaget-Cognitive development,Vygotsky’s social theory,Kohlberg-moral development,Bowlby-attachment theory,language development,Infancy,babyhood,early childhood,late childhood,puberty and adolescence.Developmental disabilities-mental retardation,autism,learning disabilities

5.Social psychology
Social psychology,Socialization-agents of childhood socialization,process of socialization,outcome of socialization.Social cognition,social perception-attribution,impression formation,Attitudes-attitudes and behavior,attitude formation,attitude change,prejudice and discrimination,social influence-conformity,prosocial behavior,aggression,group,leadership

6.Personality and abnormal behavior

Psychoanalytic theory –personality structure,defence mechanisms,Neo Fredian approaches,type and trait approaches,learning and behavioural approach,humanistic approach,personality assessment.Abnormal behavior,normalityabnormality,classification,psychological disorders of childhood and adolescence-Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,conduct disorder,oppositional defiant disorder,anxiety disorders of  childhood and adolescence,childhood depression,child abuse,enuresis,encopresis.

1 comment:

  1. A dream doesn't become reality through magic;it takes sweat,determination and hard work.
    -General Colin Powell.
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പ്രിയമുള്ളവരേ പ്രിയമുള്ളവരേ ഞാൻ എഴുതിയ 3 മോട്ടിവേഷൻ പുസ്തകങ്ങൾ ഇപ്പോൾ ഡിജിറ്റൽ രൂപത്തിൽ 49/- രൂപക്ക് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ആമസോൺ kindle ആപ്പ് ഉപയോഗിച്ച് വായിക്കാം, ആമസോണിൽ lijo paul എന്ന് സെർച്ച്‌ ചെയ്താൽ കിട്ടും, വേഗമാകട്ടെ പരിമിതികാല ഓഫർ ഏതാനും ദിവസങ്ങൾ മാത്രം.

നിങ്ങൾ ഒരു കുറഞ്ഞ മുതൽ മുടക്കിൽ അധികവരുമാനം ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്ന വ്യക്തിയാണോ എങ്കിൽ നിങ്ങൾക്കിതാ വലിയൊരു അവസരം വന്നു ചേർന്നിരിക്കുന്നു.
ആകർഷകമായ വ്യക്തിത്വവും ചുറുചുറുക്കുമുള്ള ആളുകൾക്ക് ശോഭിക്കാൻ പറ്റുന്ന സെയിൽസ് മേഖലയിലാണ് ഇപ്പോഴുള്ള അവസരം ഒരുങ്ങിയിട്ടുള്ളത്.

ഉടനെ തന്നെ പുറത്തിറക്കാൻ പോകുന്ന മോട്ടിവേഷൻ ബുക്കിന്റെ വിതരണത്തിനാണ് കുറഞ്ഞ മുതൽ മുടക്കിൽ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ആരംഭിക്കാവുന്ന ബിസിനസ്‌ ചെയ്യാൻ സാധിക്കുക.

ഞാൻ എഴുതിയ പ്രണയ നോവൽ "എന്റെ റോസ്മോൾക്കായ്" നിങ്ങൾക്കിപ്പോൾ വായിക്കാം.
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