
12 May 2013


                            **POSTAL ASSISTANT EXAM RESULT PUBLISHED**

1.The first temporary president of Constituent assembly was:
Ans:Dr.Sachidanand Sinha

2.Which among the following was the major demand of the Bardoli Satyagraha(1928)organized  under the leadership of Sardar  Vallabh Bhai Patel?
(a) Rollback of newly enhanced revenue rate
(b)Supply of agricultural inputs to farmers at subsidized rate
(c)Land to the tiller
(d)Increase the rates of labour wage
Ans:(a)Rollback of newly enhanced revenue rate

3.During the time of which Mughal emperor did the English East India Company establish its first factory in India?

4.Find the incorrect statement:
(a)Full moon occurs when the moon comes between the Earth and the Sun
(b)The difference in minutes between the Greenwich time and the local time at a place can be derived by multiplying the longitude of place by four
(c)Spring tide is caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun together in the same direction
(d)A line on a map that join all the places of the same height above sea level is called contour line
Answer: (a)Full moon occurs when the moon comes between the Earth and the Sun

5.The refractive indices of Kerosene,Turpentine and water are 1.44,1.47 and 1.33 respectively.Light wil have maximum speed in:

6.Who is credited with the discovery of Electron?

7.Which of the following gases are given out during photosynthesis:

8.What is the script of Ashoka’s inscriptions:

9.Which of the following articles of Constitution says that the executive power of every state shall be so exercised as not to impede or prejudice the exercise of the executive power of Union?
Ans:Article 257.

10.The distance between the Earth and Sun is greatest during:

11.Who is the General Secretary of CPI(M)?
Ans:Prakash Karat

12.The central Government on 1st Jan,2013 launched the pilot phase of direct cash benefits transfer scheme.Under this scheme the cash will be directly transferred to the intended beneficiaries through:
Ans:Asdhar-Linked Bank Accounts

13.Identify three leader states in wind energy among the following:

14.Dr.Montek Singh Ahluwalia said recently that the term”Bimaru”states should be done away with.Which states was/were termed as Bimaru states?
Ans:Bihar,Madhya Pradesh,Rajasthan,Uttarpradesh

15.Bhopal Gas tragedy is associated with leakage of:
Ans:Methyl ISO cyanate

16.Which company has developed AKASH,the cheapest tablet computer?

17.The Government of India has given………”languages of the 8th Schedule”the status of official language:

18.Who was world biggest exporter of rice in 2012 as per the latest report by Food&Agriculture organization?

19.The National Development Council has approved recently the 12th five year plan and set an annual average growth target of:

20.India on Oct-4,2012 successfully test fired nuclear capable Prithvi-ii ballistic missile from a test range at Balasore.This was a:
Ans:Surface to Surface Missile

21.Who was named AIFF(All India football federation)player of the year 2012?
Ans:Syed Rahim Nabi

22.How many gold medals were won by India at Copa Brasil-2012 Tournament for wrestling?

23.The Reserve bank of India has asked banks to ensure withdrawal of Non-CTS 2010 standard cheques with CTS standard-2010 cheques by:
(a)30th April,2013
(b)31st December,2013
(c)31st March 2013
(d)None of these
Ans: (d)None of these

24.Recently consensus on GST have been arrived by center and states.What does GST mean?
Ans:Goods and service Tax

25.Who was recently elected as vice President of Indian National Congress?
Ans:Rahul Gandhi


26.Two trains leave stations P and Q,110 km apart.Train from P to Q travels at 25 km/hr and train from Q to P at 30 km/hr.If they both  start at 8 AM,they meet at:
(a)09.00 AM
(b)09.45 AM
(c)10.40 AM
(d)None of these
Ans:None of these

27.A sphere of radius x is melted and its volume is divided into two equal parts.One part is cast into a cylinder of height 10 cm.and second a cone of the same height.The ratio of the cylinder radius to the cone radius is:
Ans:1:Square root of 3

28.A man buys milk at a certain price per Kg.and after mixing it with water sells it again at the same price.How many grams of water he mixes in every Kg.of milk if he makes a profit of 25%:

29.A sum of Rs.8000 generates Rs.1261 as compound interest in 3 years,interest being compounded annually.The rate of compound interest is:

30.By how much is two-thirds of 96 less than three fifths of 210?

31.if Square root of .00000676=.0026,the square root of 67,60,000 is:

32.The average temperature of three days is 24Degree C.If the temperature on the first two days is 20 degree C and 25 degree C respectively,then the temperature on the third day is:
Ans:27 Degree Celcious

33.A five-year cash certificate with a maturity value of 300 is purchased for 200.The annual rate of simple interest is:

34.You bought some apples.On the first day you ate one and ¼ of the remainder.On the second day you ate 2 and ¼ of the remainder.On the third you ate the entire remaining balance of 3.How many apples did you buy:
(d)None of these
Ans: (d)None of these

35.If the digits of a two digit number are interchanged,the newly formed number is more than the original number by 18.If the sum of the digits is 8,then what was the original number?

36.One year ago,a mother was 4 times older than her son.After 6 years,her age becomes more than double her son’s age by 5 years.The present ratio of their age will be:

37.If m:n=2:3,What is the value of 3m+5n/6m-n:

38.A triple successive discount of 20%,10% and 5% is equal to a single discount of:

39.Three items are purchased at 380 each.One of them is sold at a loss of 10%.The others are sold so as to gain 25% on the whole transaction?What is the gain % on these two items?

40.The size of bag that could hold 6 kg of oranges has now been increased so that it can hold 8 kg.What is the percentage increase in size?

41.If w/x6/11,y/z=16/23 and w/y=9/16 then what is the value of x/y?

42.What approximate value should come in place of question mark(?)in the following question:
Square root of 727.9995+(5.1961)square=?÷2/10.7960

43.Mid points of the side of an equilateral triangle of side 18 cm are joined to form another triangle,whose mid points are further joined to form a different triangle and this process is repeated indefinitely.The sum of the perimeters of all the triangles will be:
Ans:108 cm

44.A sum of 8,500 is to be divided among 5 men,6 women and 8 boys in the ratio of 10:7:1.The share of one boy will be:

45.Ram and Shyam work in the same factory.Ram can produce 45 articles in one hour and Shyam can produce 40 articles in one hour.During one week Shyam worked 5 more hours than Ram but produced the same number of articles as Ram.How many hours did Ram work that week:

46.square root of 441/63 x square root of 81/3?

47.Whicgh one of the following number has got highest value:

48.The average score of Sachin Tendulkar in IPL 15 Matches is 70 runs and the average score inBorder Gavaskar Trophy T-20 Matches is 45 runs in 7 matches.If he has played 10 more International T-20 matches and his overall average score in all T-20 Matches was 73 runs.What was his total score in 10 International T-20 Matches:

49.Number of diagonals in a 30 sided convex polygon will be:

50.Two cars start from place A&B,100 km apart,towards each other.Both cars start simultaneously.A bird sitting on one car starts at the same time towards the other car,and as soon as it reaches the second car,it files back to the first car and it continueus in this manner flying backwards and forwards from one car to the other,until the cars meet.Both cars travel at a speed on 50 kmph and the bird files at 100 kmph.Total distance covered by the bird will be:
Ans:50 km


DIRECTIONS(Question No.51 & 52)Choose the correct article.

51.I bought……..uniform for my daughter yesterday:

52………..mighty have the upper hand:

DIRECTIONS:(Question no.53 & 54)Each of these questions consists of a word or phrase in capital letters followed by four words of phrases.Select the word or phrase that is most nearly similar in meaning to the given word or phrases

(a)To divide
(b)To destroy everything
(d)To walk about aimlessly
Ans: (d)To walk about aimlessly

(b)To hit directly
Ans: (a)Laziness

DIRECTIONS:Formulate correct sentences by selecting the most appropriate option.

55.If I were you,I…….be careful with my words:

DIRECTIONS:(Question No.56 & 57)In the following questions pick the correct spelt word.

Ans: (c)Typhoid

Ans: (d)Stretcher

DIRECTIONS:(Question No.58&59)In the following questions choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

Ans: (a)Boldness

Ans: (c)Unifying

DIRECTIONS:(Question no.60 & 61)Each of the following sentences has been broken in three parts(A),(B) and(C).If there is  any grammatical error in any of these parts,that is your answer.If there is no error,the answer is (D)

60.He is man(A),Which I know(B),you can trust(C),No error(D)

61.I shall ask him(A),not to come on Monday(B),as it is a working day(c),No error(D)

DIRECTIONS:Change the following sentences into reported speech.

62.Shashi said”I plan to leave for Australia next week”:
Ans:(A)Shashi said that he planned to leave for Australia the following week

DIRECTIONS:(Que.No.63 to 69)Choose the correct the correct option

63.The tree lost………leaves.

64.The snake crawled ……………..the rock.

65.Can you………..a picture?

66.My Mother …….us to school in our car.

67.Tom is awake but Jack is still………….

68.The kangaroos……..over the fence.

69.Yesterday our team……..the team of Ramjus School.

DIRECTIONS:(Question No.70 to 72)Fill in the blank with correct preposition.

70.The thief entered the room……..the window:

71.My car does forty kilometers……..a litre:

72…….cooking,he also likes to write poetry in his free time:

DIRECTIONS:(Question No.73 & 74)Give one word for the underlined phrase.

73.My bedroom is warm and comfortable.

74.Diana spoke in a quiet voice to her friend.

DIRECTIONS:Choose the correct passive voice of the sentence given in the question.

75.There is no house to let:
Ans:(C)There is no house to be left

76.In the given dice,which number is opposite of number6:

77.Beena is the mother of Chirag and Mihika.If Kapil is the husband of Mihika.What is the relation of Beena to Kapil?
Ans:(D)Mother in law

78.Ajay travels towards East.Vikas travels towards North.Sonu and ‘Rachit’travel in opposite directions.’Rachit’travels towards right of Ajay.Which of the following is definitely true?
Ans:(B)Sonu travels towards West

79.In a certain code language LESSON is coded as NGUQML.How will PUZZLE be coded in that code language?

INSTRUCTIONS(Question No.80 & 81)Study the following information and answer the question given below it.
a.Kamal,Gopal and Hari are Intelligent.
b.Kamal,Ravi and Jai are hard working.
c.Ravi,Hari and Jai are honest.
d.Kamal,Gopal and Jai are ambitious.

80.Which of the following persons is neither hardworking nor ambitious:

81.Which of the following persons is neither honest nor hardworking but is ambitious:

DIRECTIONS:(Question no.82 & 83)Each of the following questions is followed by two statements.Select the choice as follows.
A.If I alone is enough to answer the question
B.If II alone is enough to answer the question
C.If I & II are both required to answer the question
d.If both I & II are insufficient to answer the question and more data is required.

82.How many Indian can be considered to be in super rich bracket rich bracket if they constitute 0.001% of the population:
I.In the last census,the population was 98 crores.
II.Since the last census the population has increased by 14%

83.At the garage,the car owner was told that adjustments has been done and it will noe give better kilometerage.Did it improve if:
I.Before repairs it travelled 120 10 litres of fuel.
II.After repairs it ran 240 km.on full tank

84.If ROAD=152 and MAP=90,then RAIL=?

85.If BAT=69 and BOOK=172,then PEN?
DIRECTIONS:(Question No.86 & 87)In these questions,a series is given which may consist of numbers,alphabets or a mixture of both.You have to identify from the choices given against each question,the next term in the series in the place of question mark.



DIRECTIONS:(Question No.88 to 91)The following questions are to be answered on the basis of information given below.
The is a group of 5 persons:A,B,C,D and E.In the group,there is a Professor of Phiosophy,a professor of Psychology and a Professor of Economics .A and D are ladies who have no specialization in any subject and are unmarried.No lady is Philosopher or an Ecnomist.There is a married couple in the group of which E is the husband.B is the brother of C and is neither psychologist nor an Economist.

88.Who is the wife of E?

89.Which of the following groups includes all the men?

90.Who is the professor of philosophy?

91.Who is the Professor of Economics?

DIRECTIONS:(Question Nos.92 to 94)Pick the odd one out.

Ans: (d)Floor

Ans: (d)Talk

Ans: (a)Head

95.Madho walks 30 meters towards East,Then he turns to his right and walks 20 meters.Then again turning to his right he walks 30 meters.How far and in which direction is he from his original position
(a)20 meters,North
(b)50 meters,South
(d)None of these
Ans: (d)None of these

96.Six firemen are placed in a circle facing the centre of a circle toextinguish fire in the middle of the circle.A is between B and C,D is between E and F.E is to the immediate left of C.Who is to the immediate right of B:

INSTRUCTIONS:(Question No.97 to 99)In the following diagram three classes of population are represented by three figures.The triangle represents the school teachers,the square represents the married persons and the circle represents the persons living in joint families.

97.Married persons living in joint families but not working as school teachers are represented by:

98.Persons who live in joint families,are unmarried and who do not work as school teachers are represented by:

99.Married teachers living in joint families represented by:

100.If KOLKATA is coded as LPMLBUB then Mumbai can be coded as:



1 comment:

  1. There is only one success-to be able to spend life in your own way.-Christopher Morley.
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